What is Eden Energy Medicine?
There are TWO WAYS EDEN ENERGY MEDICINE CAN HELP where energy medicine might make a difference with a health condition:
1. THE FIRST has to do with getting your body’s energies into a good flow, harmony, and balance. While not focusing on your health issue directly, this can create within your body an energetic environment that supports your overall health, vitality, and healing.

This is the place to start, even if you are also taking additional steps, such as assessing and working with specific vulnerabilities in your energy system or consulting with an energy medicine specialist. Unlike treatments that offer pills or surgery, energy medicine focuses on the entire body as a system. Before doing more specific treatments, energy medicine practitioners routinely help people get their body’s overall energies into a strong and healthy flow.
Over the years, Donna Eden has designed a “Daily Energy Routine” that combines the most potent techniques we know that are able to help the greatest number of people to stimulate each of the vital energy systems and bring them into harmony and balance.
These are the methods an energy medicine practitioner might give to you after an initial consultation so that you can strengthen and balance your own energies. There is much you can do for yourself through the Daily Energy Routine. We propose that you dedicate about 10 minutes each day to this. That is all that is necessary to begin to make a difference. Five minutes for the Daily Routine and five minutes to experiment with repeating some of the techniques and using additional methods.
We guide you through the Daily Energy Routine in every introductory publication we have. You can find it in the book Energy Medicine (Chapter Three), on our “Energy Healing” videos, and in the Sounds True “Energy Medicine Kit”.
Six areas you might experiment with as adjuncts to the Daily Routine are 1) the “Hook-Up,” 2) the “Homolateral Crossover,” 3) “Separating Heaven and Earth” (also known as “Connecting Heaven and Earth”), 4) techniques for sedating the triple warmer meridian, 5) the “Neurovascular Hold,” and 6) the “Blow Out.” All are presented in each of the above resources.
2. THE SECOND LEVEL by which Eden Energy Medicine might make a difference with a health concern involves an assessment of your body’s energies and the ways they are related to the condition.
Based on that assessment, individualized treatments can be designed to make your energy system more robust, specifically in the ways that will help with the health condition.
If you are a beginner with energy medicine, this is more than we recommend you attempt without the help of a qualified practitioner like Melanie Smith, Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner and Senior Faculty for Donna Eden.
The book Energy Medicine gives further instruction in how to assess your energies and correct problems. Meanwhile, everything you might do in terms of the Basic Daily Routine would support work with a professional energy medicine practitioner.
Adapted from A Beginner’s Guide to Energy Medicine Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Ph.D.©2004 Innersource. You can find these resources and more information at www.innersource.net.
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