Energy Medicine for Hormones

The endocrine system is responsible for hormonal functions in the body and produces thirty distinct hormones each of which has a very specific job to do. This system controls your physical growth, mood, hormone output, reproduction, mental functionality, and immune system. When not working properly you become more susceptible to disease and your ability to fight off infection is weakened. Endocrine glands and their functioning impacts every area of your health. The keystone of energy medicine has always been awakening the body’s natural intelligence to heal itself and restore balance to the system of energy pathways (called “meridians”) that crisscross the body. If the meridians within your body have become depleted you can suffer from tiredness, infertility, weight gain, depression, digestive problems, hair loss, arthritis, and feeling chilled no matter the temperature.

Energy Medicine Quick Tips for Hormones

A. Daily Energy Routine – To learn the Daily Energy Routine get our free eBook.

B. Triple Warmer Thyroid Triangle – use to balance Thyroid, to reduce hot flashes, to calm and de-stress. Hold at the jugular notch with your thumb, index and middle fingers of one hand. With your other hand use the same 3 fingers to hold at the temple for 3-5 minutes. Switch and repeat on the other side.

C. Adrenal Points – Using the 3-Finger Notch described above, hold Triple Warmer Neurovascular on one side of temple and with the other hand hold 1″ above and 1″ out from navel on each side with thumb and middle finger for 3-5 minutes. Switch hands and repeat on other side. An alternate version is to hold a 3-Finger notch at the Thyroid Point (see B above) while simultaneously holding the Adrenal Points above the navel.

D. Cortisol Points – Using the 3-Finger Notch described above, hold Triple Warmer Neurovascular on one side of temple and with the other hand hold the Cortisol Points 1″ below and 1″ out from navel on each side with thumb and middle finger for 3-5 minutes. Switch hands and repeat on other side. An alternate version is to hold a 3-Finger notch at the Thyroid Point (see B above) while simultaneously holding the Cortisol Points below the navel. Watch the video above for all the details.

What are the Endocrine Glands and What Do They Do?

The major endocrine glands include the adrenals, pancreas, pineal, pituitary, reproductive and thyroid glands.

Adrenal – Adrenal glands regulate the body’s response to stress and are made of two parts, each of which secretes a separate set of hormones. The outer part produces corticosteroid hormones that regulate the balance of salt and water, stress response, metabolism, immune function, and sexual development and function. The inner part secretes adrenaline hormones that increase blood pressure and heart rate in response to stress. Over time chronic elevated stress levels can lead to weight gain, decreased resistance to infections, fatigue, muscle aches and low blood sugar.

Pineal – The pineal gland is also known as the epiphysis cerebri,epiphysis or the “third eye”. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions.

Pancreas – The pancreas produces insulin and glucagon-two hormones that work together to supply the body`s cells with a constant supply of energy in the form of glucose.

More Energy Medicine Tips for Hormones and A Healthy Endocrine System

1. 4-Thumps – Tap K27 Points (end of Kidney Meridian) in the hollow under the collarbone and above the first rib on each side of the sternum (breast bone) to boost and restore energy, increase vitality, strengthen immune function and activate Meridian System. Tap the Thymus Point located on the upper portion of the sternum along the midline of the body to boost your immune function and fight off disease. Tapping the Thymus is like an energetic jolt of Vitamin C and
it actually creates T-Cells. White blood cells are important to fight off infection. It is also useful for calming and de-stressing the body. Tap CV 17 (Sea of Qi) in the hollow on the sternum directly between the nipples to increase energy flow, reduce fatigue and stress. Tap the Spleen Neurolymphatic Reflex Points located one rib below the breasts (below bra line) directly under the nipples to reduce chronic fatigue, provide an energy lift, help metabolize and detoxify the lymphatic system, balance blood chemistry levels and balance blood sugar levels within the pancreas.

2. Balancing the Thyroid – Take your thumb, index and middle fingers and bring them together. Hold over the Thyroid Point. Now Do the Same with your other hand and hold over the Triple Warmer Neuro-vascular Point at your temple for 3-5 minute. Switch hands and repeat for 3-5 minutes on the other side. This is also an excellent de-stressing technique.

You may also want to try Dr. Melanie’s Harmonize the Fire technique known for its effectiveness with the endocrine system, calming the nervous system, getting under Triple Warmer’s radar. Balancing all meridians associated with the Fire Element while restoring all hormones including adrenals, thyroid, thymus and cortisol.

Cultivate Optimal Endocrine Health

The endocrine system provides regulation of the body through hormonal secretions. Cultivating your endocrine health combined with proper nutrition and diet can boost energy, improve appetite, reduce insomnia, relieve depression symptoms, improve circulation, relieve muscle aches and assist in recovering from endocrine disorders. One of the easiest ways to look after your endocrine system health is to eat nutritious meals and have a well balanced diet.

A few basic steps you can take to improve your endocrine health are:
Eat Slowly – Don’t rush through your meals. Allowing your body to properly digest food reduces after-meal fatigue, boosts your immune system and enables your endocrine system to properly process nutritional intake.
Exercise – Regular exercise boosts the immune system, improves cardiovascular health, muscle mass, and prevents bone loss. Stress reducing exercises such as yoga, qigong, or tai chi can also be beneficial.
Manage Your Stress – Another important part of maintaining a healthy endocrine system is stress management. Having a lot of stress in your life can cause the overproduction of hormones that can lead to the failure or malfunction of many endocrine organs. Acupuncture and Energy Medicine offer many tools and techniques that can be integrated into your life to keep stress in check and allow you to enjoy a more peaceful life.
Rest – Take a day out of the week for rest and rejuvenation allowing your mind and body recovery time. You will be more productive the rest of the week.
Sleep – Allow six to eight hours of sleep per night in order to reduce stress and keep hormones balanced. The combination of stress and a lack of sleep may cause some of the glands to malfunction. If you are experiencing difficulties sleeping acupuncture and energy medicine has shown great success treating a wide array of sleep problems without any of the side effects of prescription or over-the-counter sleep aids.

Nutrients to Support your Endocrine Health

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein are part of any healthy diet. To directly affect your endocrine system, make sure your diet includes these foods.
Fish – Fish provides your body with Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 oils. These oils are fats that directly affect cognitive function, cellular function and kidney function, all the things under the control of the endocrine system. Eating fish twice a week will aid in keeping a balanced endocrine system.
Garlic – Garlic boosts your immunity, increasing your ability to fight off infection. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels. One or two cloves of garlic a day is recommended. Include it in your cooking!
Calcium – Calcium keeps nerves healthy and ensures their ability to communicate effectively. Milk, cottage cheese, cheese, leafy greens, dried beans and yogurt are all rich in calcium.
Vitamin B and B Complex – Directly influences the nervous system’s proper functioning and health and one’s physical and mental performance concerning the nervous system. Found in chicken, fish, eggs, whole grains, beans and nuts.
Vitamin C – Adrenal glands have a very high content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). This vitamin helps stimulate adrenal glands into producing more of the disease fighting hormone cortin. A continued stressful environment depletes Vitamin C reserves and increases the tendency for infection and disease. Good sources of Vitamin C include citrus fruits, melons, apricots, strawberries, berries, green vegetables, sweet peppers, and particularly tomatoes.

Massage Taixi When Fatigued

Taixi, or Kidney 3, is the source point of the Kidney meridian and the Master Source Point over all Source Points. It is an excellent point to massage yourself whenever feeling fatigued. To locate Taixi first locate the medial malleolus, that bone on the inner ankle. Then locate the Achilles tendon that runs down the back of the ankle. Directly between these you will feel a hollow tender area when you press. Now massage the area behind your inside ankle between the bone and the Achilles tendon.

Coconut Oil for Thyroid Health

Coconut oil is beneficial for many health challenges including thyroid imbalances. It can be beneficial to be taken as a nutritional supplement and is also an excellent oil for cooking. Coconut is a saturated fat, but it is different from fats like butter in that it a medium- chain triglycerides, (MCT) rather than a long chain triglyceride, (LCT). MCT’s are metabolized differently from LCT’s and do not raise cholesterol levels. Coconut oil is about 50% Lauric Acid. High levels of Lauric acid can be found in mother’s breast milk. Its properties also help boost immune function.
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