Energy Medicine for the Kidney’s
The Water Element…Are You in the Flow?
Water Element is the beginning of the 5-Element cycle and represents both birth and death in the cycle of life. Those with Water as their primary element will be childlike, curious and endearing. They also are truth seekers and search deeply for the meaning of life. Other correspondences associated with the Water Element are the color blue, season of winter, cold climate, north direction and a craving for salty foods.
The Water Element reminds us to be in the flow of life having faith and trust to be in connection with the natural flow of all that is, letting go of our potential resistance and need to control. The Water Element brings us full circle. It is a time in nature to go inside and meditate, quiet the mind and rest. It is a cycle for reflection and restoration and to strengthen our will power and adaptability. If we allow ourselves this rest, we have the ability to gain much wisdom and move forward in a more powerful way. Connection and community are fundamental to our growth during this time as we gather with those we love.

Energy Medicine Quick Tips To Balance Water Element
The Power and Energy of the Kidney

Kidney is the most Yin of all of the organs and meridians and thus it requires the most nurturing and nourishing. Kidney Essence dominates reproduction, growth and development. The Kidneys’ produce the marrow for the bones and help form the brain known in oriental medicine as the Sea of Marrow. Kidney energy governs the bones, teeth, eyes, ears and the hair on your head. They physically reside in the lumbar region and can be the cause for low back pain. They dominate Fire at the Gate of Vitality the Mingmen point. This Fire is necessary to warm the Spleen to promote transportation and transformation of nutrients and fluids.
Kidney houses Zhi, will power, and the mental aspects that pertain to focus, concentration, thinking, memorization and long-term memory. Will power is the basis for the mind and the mind directs will power. If the mind (Shen) is confused, will power will lead to confusion, lack of drive, and poor initiative causing one to be discouraged. If the mind (Shen) is strong, then one will have the will power, drive, ambition, determination and clarity to pursue their goals.
Emotionally Kidney Qi is depleted most through fear, shame, dread, insecurity, phobias, anxiety, paranoia, insecurity and suspicion. Physical signs that Kidney energy is out of balance include: low back pain, hip pain, edema, frequent urination, osteoporosis, tinnitus, ear infections, hair loss, early graying, infertility, enlarged prostate, eye problems, irregular menstruation, adrenal fatigue, impotence, heart diseases, asthma, poor memory, chronic fatigue syndrome, painful knees and ankles, cold hands and feet, hardening of the arteries, vertigo, teeth and gum problems, stomach – pain, swelling or bloating and a lack of energy or life force.
The Urinary Bladder
Physical signs that Bladder is out of balance include: incontinence, burning or frequent urination, difficulty urinating, arthritis, back pain, tooth loss, urinary tract infections, nervous system problems, foot pain, occipital headaches, and sciatica.