Heart to Heart Technique

More than Physical
In many cultures, the heart is considered to be where love emanates from, as well as where our emotions are based and where the soul resides. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that the heart is not merely the bridge between mind and body but it also houses the shen (mind, spirit, memory, thinking, sleep and consciousness).
While there is a large amount of fascinating research around these topics, one place for energy medicine students and practitioners to look to is the HeartMath Institute Research Center, which for nearly three decades has been exploring the nature of the heart, leading to research that suggests that the heart “is an access point to a source of wisdom and intelligence.”
Energy Medicine
If you have studied energy medicine, you already know certain ways to work energetically with the heart, whether it is working with meridians, chakras, the electrics or other approaches.
The following are a few simple, very effective exercises:
• Trace the heart meridian forward slowly with the flat of your hand, in order to help balance and strengthen the meridian. Begin in the middle of your arm pit and trace slowly along the inside lower edge of your arm passing through the palm of your hand and ending off the little finger as you squeeze both sides of the fingernail. Repeat on the other arm.
• Strengthen the spleen meridian, because spleen feeds the heart. Two easy ways to strengthen spleen are massaging the Neurolymphatic Reflex Points located below each breast and along the sides of the rib cage level with the breasts and massaging the Source Point – Spleen 3 located on the inside of the big toe just over the bunion.
• Rest one hand on the fourth (heart) chakra and one hand on the second (sacral) chakra to help the heart meridian and heart organ stay strong (tip: you can experiment with this position as you fall asleep)
Need help figuring it all out? Schedule an in-office or Skype Energy Medicine Consultation with Dr. Melanie. Click here for details.